Altum RF

Altum RF : supplier of GaAs and GaN MMIC components for RF and millimeter-wave applications

What is the name of your company/institution?

Altum RF

What products or services do you provide?

We design, develop and sell semicondcutors/hafgeiders (chips) for high-frequency applications

Where are you active within the FNS program (program line, work packages) and what is your contribution to it?

We are active in PL1, Workpage 1.1 Highly Efficient Transmitters , and Workpackage_1.2 _JCAS

Our contribution is to develop the high frequency semiconductor components for 6G

Why are you participating in the FNS program?

This is a great opportunity for us to learn the requirements for 6G at an early stage, so we can develop the right semiconductors in time. Our potential customers and the end customers also participate in the FNS program, this enables us to better anticipate what chip we need to develop for 6G.