FNS Publications
Below you can find the Future Network Services publications, in order of publication date.

The relevance of the AI Act to 6G: The Safety Component
6G networks will be full of AI technology. But how does the European AI Act come into play?
For the developers of 6G technology it is crucial to have a proper understanding of what they need to keep in mind to make sure that they meet the requirements of the AI Act. At FNS, we are analysing the relevance of the AI Act for 6G innovation.
We have started by examining one concept that has been defined in the Act: “the Safety Component”.

Upper 6 GHz band - Overview of current and potential future use in The Netherlands
6G networks will use a range of spectrum bands. A key candidate for additional mid band spectrum is the Upper 6 GHz (6 425 – 7 125 MHz). This band is already in use for a range of existing services, like fixed satellite, microwave links and radioastronomy. And now several mobile telecoms and Wi-Fi companies show strong interest in using the Upper 6 GHz band as well.
In FNS, we have made a detailed inventory of all existing and potential future uses of the Upper 6 GHz band in The Netherlands and how these align with spectrum policies at global and European levels.