Partner Newsletter June 2024

Dear FNS partners,

We are pleased to send you a new edition of the FNS Partner Newsletter, with the latest developments within the 6G Future Network Services program.

This edition we have included a spotlight on Jordi Zandboer: PhD researcher in the FNS program and the announcement of a new date for the FNS partner event.

Your input and feedback is always welcome.

Warm regards,

Peter Rake,

On behalf of the FNS Core Team


We have compiled an FNS manual with chapters on finance, reporting and communication. This document is intended as an up-to-date and compact reference for any consortium member looking for more information on a specific topic. It also contains relevant links to documents on the general FNS SharePoint.

You can find the manual on the SharePoint behind this link.  We ask you to test if you already have SharePoint access. If not, please email to request it. We have also attached the manual to this newsletter for anyone who does not yet have SharePoint access.

Spotlight on Jordi Zandboer: PhD in the FNS program

Now that we are well on track for the recruitment of PhDs within the FNS program, with over 20 PhD researchers, it is time for an interview with one of them.

We spoke to Jordi Zandboer, a PhD researcher from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the FNS programme. Jordi is from the Eindhoven region and holds both a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from TU/e, where he graduated cum laude. As part of his master's degree, Jordi worked for over 3 months at Ericsson in Sweden.

From radio astronomy to designing high-frequency antennas

Although Jordi's graduation project focused on radio astronomy in collaboration with ASTRON, after his studies he was looking for the next step, which would allow him to make an impact relatively quickly. This led him to the FNS program. Within Work Package 1.2: "Joint Communication and Sensing", he is engaged in research on integrated antenna design at 300 GHz. This ambitious high-frequency project pushes the boundaries of radio engineering to enable short-range wireless communication with extreme bandwidths.


Making prototypes a reality

Currently, Jordi is completing his literature review and has even started writing his first paper. He has also started working on the first prototype designs, using TU/e's facilities to turn theoretical concepts into tangible prototypes. "Within TU/e, it's not just about the literature; it's also about making and testing," Jordi says. He appreciates the collaborative environment and notes that several FNS PhDs have already started within the same research group, making it a vibrant space for innovation.

The value of the FNS program

Jordi sees the FNS program as a unique combination of experience and knowledge regarding the various components of 6G technology. "Everyone involved in the subject of 6G in the Netherlands is in the program and so you also hear how others view 6G. After all, it means very different things to different people. In the end, it's about making sure everything fits with, and into, each other."

Cooperation and networking

Jordi is actively involved in the various facets of the program. He attended the recent partner event and has monthly meetings with NXP. He is also in contact with Sabic and exploring collaboration opportunities with TNO/CITC.

"Within FNS, because you are in a project with so many partners and can spar with companies, you come to prototypes faster and get new ideas. The fun thing is to explore how to collaborate with others in the Netherlands, who are all working on 6G in their own way" Jordi adds.

We are proud to have Jordi Zandboer as part of the FNS program and look forward to his contribution to the future of 6G technology.

Successful participation of FNS in European 6G events

Last month, FNS participated in two key European 6G events, where we were able to share our expertise and requirements with 6G partnerships from around the world.

3GPP workshop

During the recent 3GPP 'Services & Architecture' workshop in Rotterdam, participants from different continents shared their views on 6G use cases and requirements. FNS 6G contributed its expertise to the European Smart Network & Services initiative.

Here are a few examples:

  • Wireless 6G Factory Work Package: This team significantly tightened the requirements for the 'Realtime Digital Twin', focusing on the latency required for digitising "high-speed motion".
  • Exergaming Work Package: The Exergaming team added several requirements for "immersive reality" related to 'body tracking', including significant bandwidth requirements.

Interestingly, contributions from Asia (China, Japan, Korea) proved more technologically demanding than those from Europe. On the other hand, the US input stood out for its lack of KPIs and lower priority on standardising satellite integration. In contrast, Indian contributions emphasised satellite integration (combined with voice, data and IoT services) to help bridge the digital divide.

Here are the use case presentations from the 3GPP workshop in Rotterdam.



The European Conference on Networking and Communications (EUCNC) is the main event for 6G research & innovation in Europe. This year, TNO and FNS made important contributions with numerous papers and sessions.


  • Comprehensive reviews: EUCNC serves as a platform for reviewing a wide range of research from across the European Union. Here, the latest developments and findings in networking technology are shared and scrutinised.
  • International discussions: The conference also provides a stage for international debates on key issues. One such discussion within 3GPP is about sustainability, with different continents having different views on the best approach.
  • The future of 6G: With the limited success of 5G services, the positioning of 6G remains a hot topic. Should it be an evolutionary step forward or a more disruptive leap from 5G?

In the coming years, efforts will focus on reaching consensus on these issues.

New date for FNS partner event: Wednesday 20 November 2024

Due to the limited availability of suitable venues, we have picked a new date for the FNS partner event. The event will now take place on Wednesday 20 November at the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht. We are still busy developing the agenda, but expect to start at 12:00 with a walk-in lunch and for the program to start at 13:00.


MWC Barcelona 2025 & CES 2025

Dutch Pavilion at MWC Barcelona 2025

There will be a Dutch Pavilion at Mobile World Congress 2025, and Future Network Services will be one of the participants. If your organisation is planning to participate in MWC2025 or is interested in this opportunity, we would be happy to help you think about how to organise it. For more details and to express your interest, please contact Paul Wijngaard ( ).

Dutch trade mission to CES 2025

There will be a Dutch trade mission to CES 2025. CES offers a chance to speak to investors, potential customers and the international media. (See also: ) We would like to know if FNS participants are considering going along. If you are interested, please contact Paul Wijngaard ( ).

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