
What is the name of your institution/company?

ICCS (Innovation Center Connected Solutions)

What products or services do you provide?

At ICCS (Innovation Center Connected Solutions), we offer expertise and support in connectivity, AI, and sensor technology. Located at our field lab on the Zernike Campus in Groningen, we provide a testing environment focused on collaboration, experimentation, and knowledge sharing. By partnering with various stakeholders, including educational institutions (MBO, HBO, and WO), research institutes, and industrial partners, we push the boundaries of the latest communication technology. ICCS is committed to shaping a smarter and more connected (Northern) Netherlands.

Where are you active within the FNS program (program lines, work packages) and what is your contribution?

ICCS is part of Program Line 4 and specifically WP4.1. We are one of the field labs in the National 6G testbed, comprising a basic ICT infrastructure where prototypes and demonstrators of intelligent components and software modules from PL1 and PL2 are connected and tested in conjunction with high-quality applications in PL3. This provides unique facilities for educational institutions and entrepreneurs by facilitating joint innovations end-to-end and accelerating the scaling process. In addition to providing the field lab, we are also actively involved in informing and attracting SMEs in the Northern Netherlands.

Why are you participating in the FNS program?

Hanzehogeschool Groningen (Hanze) participates with ICCS in the FNS program due to the strategic choices and motivations arising from its strategic policy plan. The Hanze University of Applied Sciences has been committed to the Digital Transformation for years, including participation in the 5Groningen Program. As the lead partner of the EFRO living lab 5Groningen, Hanze has contributed to connecting SME entrepreneurs and organizations to education, initiating student assignments with 5G technology, and addressing societal issues. The success of this program led to the establishment of the Innovation Center Connected Solutions (ICCS). By participating in the FNS program, Hanze, through ICCS, can leverage its position in the regional innovation ecosystem and further contribute to the development of intelligent networks, such as 6G, in concrete applications. Hanze has accumulated significant knowledge over the years in collaboration with various stakeholders, making it a key knowledge institute within the digital transformation innovation ecosystem.