Stichting Future Mobility Park

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What is the name of your institution/company?

Stichting Future Mobility Park

What products or services do you provide?

Stichting Future Mobility Park is a place of the future where we inspire, meet, test, and conduct research on innovative mobility. Governments, businesses, educational institutions, and knowledge organizations come together to work towards a better future.

Automated vehicles are tested here (delivery robots, remotely operated shared cars, vending robots, ferries, buses, and shuttles), AI cameras are tested for safety, it is home to one of the Hardt Hyperloop tubes, and there is a control room for remote operations and monitoring. Additionally, guided tours are offered to schoolchildren and students.

Where are you active within the FNS program (program lines, work packages) and what is your contribution?

Within FNS, SFMP facilitates testing with Wireless Detection in the practical setup and prepares for scaling up based on the requirements, practical design, and operational and safety frameworks in mobility.

SFMP is active in program line 3 in the work package Wireless Detection, where we, together with partners such as Vialis and the Municipality of Rotterdam, design the smart intersection and investigate to what extent the current detection loops on the road can be replaced by wireless detection based on 6G.

Why are you participating in the FNS program?

Stichting FMP manages a high-tech testing ground in Rotterdam (M4H) and supports the ecosystem for new mobility, where companies, governments, and knowledge institutions collaborate and gain experience at FMP, sharing it with each other. This creates innovative knowledge of new mobility, allows prototypes to mature, enables usage to be scaled up by companies, and ensures public safety is regulated by governments.

FMP has sponsors (Municipality of Rotterdam and MRDH) and partners (Connekt and CROW) to share knowledge, such as the future of public transportation, testing of automatic shuttle buses crossing intersections safely, a control room, traffic management, and sensor fusion.

In terms of digital infrastructure, FMP has hybrid networks with wireless connections and fiber optics, and the intersections are smartly equipped with the iVRI's as used and managed by municipalities in collaboration with market parties.