Serge de Mul

Owner and CEO of Ultraware, Compenda and Comforest

Serge is a tech entrepreneur with sustainability at heart. After finishing his study in electronics and software, and a few years of experience in the work field, Serge started his first business “Ultraware” in 2000. Creating custom software has been the main focus from the start, which led to the second business “Compenda” in 2015. Compenda has developed their own product aimed at offering CRM solutions.

Serge acquired an office building in 2014, which has been transformed in terms of sustainability. This process has led to much frustration concerning systems that do not cooperate with each other. With self-created IoT hardware and software, this problem was solved, which resulted in a 75% cut in energy usage. Since 2023, the created system is scaled up into a third business “Comforest”, which aims to make impact for a more sustainable world.