Berry Vetjens

Director Digital Innovations, TNO

Berry Vetjens is Director Digital Innovations at TNO ICT, Strategy and Policy (ISP). He has over 25 years’ experience in concept development and innovation management in various roles. He is currently involved in a large number of Dutch public private innovation eco-systems. Berry has for the past 6 years been pushing topics like interoperability, privacy, sovereignty and autonomous cybersecurity to the top of the agenda. Furthermore he has been responsible for the strategic course on embedding TNO portfolio choices in Europe, resulting in the creation of the Dutch GAIA-X Hub and TNO’s participation in several EU PPPs (SNS, ADRA, BDVA). He has board member roles in the International Data Spaces Association and the Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL. He is also a member of the Economic Board The Hague, the Advisory Board of Security Delta (HSD) and on a continuous basis involved in the Dutch innovation ecosystem (topsector policies).